Executor RP

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In DiamondFire-Warlords historiography, an Executor Roleplay game (shortened as Executor RP or ExRP) is one of three major supergenres of roleplay games in Minecraft, and the predominant classification of Warlords RP games. Roughly speaking, an Executor RP game is defined as a roleplay game that has an "executor" (usually referred to as a "host") which takes commands from players and interprets the outcome at their own discretion. Of the three supergenres, it is the form that gives the host the most power, and games of this kind usually see the player take on a lesser role in influencing the results of events, as well as limiting the player's power to the constraints set by the host.


For a game to be classified as an Executor RP, it must pass the criterion of an Executor RP, which is defined as follows:

  • An Executor Roleplay game is classified by the presence of an executor who is responsible for hosting the game, as well as interpreting commands and determining the result of those commands.

This definition is tentative and remains under scrutiny; it will likely take several modifications before a definitive criterion is established.


Executor RPs make up the vast majority of Warlords games, and they have been a part of the community since the first game. However, outside of Warlords, other communities which make similarly styled games opt to have moderator RPs instead. Moreover, non-Warlords communities do not use the same classification system as Warlords; instead, they tend to use the umbrella term Nation RPs to distinguish their games from Common RPs, which are far more prevalent than the other two supergenres.