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Date Joinedmid-October 2018
GamesRP Wars 2, Lands of Tckia, Afterlife Series, Belloria, Sticks & Stones, Chains-Ascent, ?!? Brawl, Blindfolded, Bruhnote Challenge Center, Unpax Americana, TCKgame 1-5, Homecoming, Farlands Series, Iusani Series, Line: MHWL, Vulture's Nest, Line: ATWL, Land's End, Farlands: New Horizons, The Archivist
Known for
  • Creating the Afterlife genre of game
  • Forming and creating a community around RP games, and transferring the bulk of games from DiamondFire to Warlords
  • Being the primary architect behind numerous warlord institutions, primarily /w History, Ecocom, and Outreach

Clumsycapy (also known as clumsy, and previously known as thecoolkid26, or tck) is one of, if not, the most important figure in getting the group of original members together and establishing the Warlords as the primary server. Having an extensive history throughout DiamondFire and Warlords, clumsy has a vast repertoire of games and an even more impressive list of accomplishments benefitting individuals and often the server as a whole. Clumsy has become the individual most often associated with attempting to increase the longevity of Warlords, and to this day pushes for new innovative ways to expand Warlords.

DiamondFire-Warlords Biography


Clumsy joined DiamondFire sometime in 2017, with her exact reasoning being unknown. Clumsy spent a lot of her time in pre-RP DiamondFire playing PvP, Prison, and survival games. Clumsy had no experience with Common RPs nor Executor RPs before DiamondFire, and was primarily a player of games, not a creator of them. Clumsy's first major impact on the server was through Stone Library, a project where DiamondFire players could write and read literature through an easy-to-use library plot. It was through Stone Library that Clumsy established most of her early Warlordian connections. She worked with SenorConejo and n5Q (then known as Kcolyz) on the plot, also meeting Dylan34481 and [TheZipCreator]] through the project. Clumsy was also a local leader on a plot known as Skybases 2, where she was in the Canada faction, alongside Bloxhead7. It was through Skybases that Clumsy also began to establish relations with TintedAir and UltraCraftGames, who had a very strong relationship at this time. (then known as UK_Countryball). Although Clumsy had established initial relations with most of the original Warlords cast, it wasn't until later in 2018 that she began to become much closer with them.
Clumsy's rise in Canada through Skybases 2 was one of the first instances where she began getting closer with future Warlords. The faction system of Skybases 2 forced players to band together to unite against other hostile threats. A number of these players, namely Dylan, Tinted, and Ultra would establish a relationship that led to the player's decision to get involved with the Stone Library community. The Library Crisis, a major cause of tension among various library admins, forced Clumsy to interact with Senor and n5Q much more frequently, although this did cause some decline in the Stone Library's popularity. Similarly, through AGamingCreeper's game Infected, Clumsy also began interacting with poisontrigger and Blox more frequently, as all three were involved with map building and testing. By this point, Clumsy was already very good friends with chunghhoids (then known as TheLoyalHorse), when TLH decided to create RP Wars.
