Mini Nations (Side Effect)

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Mini Nations
GenreFreeform Developmental
PlayersSide_Effect, NoLimitsJediMax, kingsheep3, Sniper2525, "Sharky", TheDarkPro97, unknown player
Date CreatedEarly December
Inspired byNation RP (WarlordSeventy)
StatusDefunct, Unretrievable
The title of this article is incorrect because of technical limitations. The correct title is Mini Nations (Side_Effect).

Mini Nations was a Moderator RP game created by Side_Effect. The game lasted for one season, which went on for three days, although the latter two days saw no activity.


This game closely followed the systems implemented by WarlordSeventy's Nation RP game, including the usage of a coinflip to decide the outcome of conflicts. The game took place in a fictional map.


In total, four players were involved in the game, as follows:

  • Novazion Republic, led by NoLimitsJediMax
  • Big White Shit (B.W.S), led by Side_Effect
  • Sweden, led by kingsheep3
  • Unknown country name, unknown ruler
  • Sniperia, led by Sniper2525
  • America, led by "Sharky" (full username unknown)
  • Isla DeShit, led by TheDarkPro97

During the first and only active day of gameplay, the Novazion Republic, B.W.S, and Sweden all worked together to defeat the fourth country. Nothing occurred during the second and third days of gameplay, at which point the game ended.

Photo that shows the full extent of the plot, taken after the game's end
Novazion Republic
Sweden's mainland
B.W.S Mainland
Example countries with war rule explanation